Thursday, December 17, 2009


Christmas is probably my favourite festival. If Christmas happens in the summer season, I would like it more. Well, I guess that happens in Australia. 

I love shopping for presents for people. I love wrapping lots of presents. I love getting presents. I love Christmas trees and Christmas lights. I love gathering with friends, parties after parties. 

I also love my friends, though Christmas or not :)

and many more...... 

I can't imagine what the last three years would have been like without these and many more people. Here I have met some of the most amazing, supportive, and fun people... and probably some of the best friends I will ever meet. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Snow is Here

So it is finally here. All day today, similar to every Winter season, I dread for the snow to come. I wake up every morning, peak through the blinds hoping not to see any of those crazy white fluffy things on rooftops and tree branches. 

Many people know I don't like snow, but hardly anyone knows how much I really don't like snow. It's almost like... how much I don't like ketchup, but it's also a little different. I feel like snow debilitates me. It's an awkward feeling. It is always so cold and so wet when there is snow. I can't drive with full confidence without having to be extra careful of other crazy drivers. I can't even walk properly without fear of ridiculing myself by slipping and landing on my butt. Or worse, face.

Tonight, I had my first drive on fresh snow. From what I remember, in previous years, I would drive after it has finished snowing and after the snow is more or less gone. When I turned out onto the "big road" tonight, I lost control of my car, and did a half circle one way, and half circle another way. My car hit the curb then stopped making half circles. Luckily, there were no cars around me. 

It was a very insecure feeling to lose control of my car and had every possible consequence flashed through my head, especially when I saw a car slowly approaching my way. Eek.

I learned my lesson tonight. I am not afraid to drive in snow again, but I will drive slow. REAL slow. 

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I don't take compliments well. I always feel uncomfortable or embarrassed when people tell me how awesome I am or what great things I've done. Though, being Joanas, you would think I would be used to it by now. HA. Anyways...

Nonetheless, it's fun and rewarding when someone thinks that highly of me. So highly that she asked me to write down my name for her "so she would never forget". Oh don't you worry, she asked for my first AND last name. Then? Then asked for my phone number. HA. I was hesitant to write my phone number down, but how could I say no to the sweet little old lady, who claims "I will only want to say a quick thank you!". Though as an afterthought, I sure hope she wasn't asking for her grandson, who she was impressed to find that both him and I coincidentally go to the same school. 

Supernurse was only one amongst the many things she called me today. She thought it was a shame that I only worked with her half the day. She then was disappointed that she will probably be gone by the next time I work. Sweet little lady.

Now I wonder when I will receive her phone call of thanks. Cute, eh? Today was one of the days I loved my job.