Thursday, December 17, 2009


Christmas is probably my favourite festival. If Christmas happens in the summer season, I would like it more. Well, I guess that happens in Australia. 

I love shopping for presents for people. I love wrapping lots of presents. I love getting presents. I love Christmas trees and Christmas lights. I love gathering with friends, parties after parties. 

I also love my friends, though Christmas or not :)

and many more...... 

I can't imagine what the last three years would have been like without these and many more people. Here I have met some of the most amazing, supportive, and fun people... and probably some of the best friends I will ever meet. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Snow is Here

So it is finally here. All day today, similar to every Winter season, I dread for the snow to come. I wake up every morning, peak through the blinds hoping not to see any of those crazy white fluffy things on rooftops and tree branches. 

Many people know I don't like snow, but hardly anyone knows how much I really don't like snow. It's almost like... how much I don't like ketchup, but it's also a little different. I feel like snow debilitates me. It's an awkward feeling. It is always so cold and so wet when there is snow. I can't drive with full confidence without having to be extra careful of other crazy drivers. I can't even walk properly without fear of ridiculing myself by slipping and landing on my butt. Or worse, face.

Tonight, I had my first drive on fresh snow. From what I remember, in previous years, I would drive after it has finished snowing and after the snow is more or less gone. When I turned out onto the "big road" tonight, I lost control of my car, and did a half circle one way, and half circle another way. My car hit the curb then stopped making half circles. Luckily, there were no cars around me. 

It was a very insecure feeling to lose control of my car and had every possible consequence flashed through my head, especially when I saw a car slowly approaching my way. Eek.

I learned my lesson tonight. I am not afraid to drive in snow again, but I will drive slow. REAL slow.