I wish my feet were just one size bigger, so I can wear many more pretty shoes. I really want to fit into those shoes I saw today!!! :(
I wish I was two inches taller, so I can wear many more pretty clothes.
I wish I was 5 pounds skinnier, also so I can wear many more pretty clothes.
I wish my eyes were just a little bigger, so I can be prettier.
I wish my fingers were longer, so I can play piano better.
I wish I was smarter, so I don't have to study. And so I can be doctor, so I wouldn't be jobless right now.
I wish I liked numbers more and was more customer-tolerating and customer-friendly, so I wouldn't mind working at the bank, also so I wouldn't be jobless right now.
I wish many other things of myself... but I guess if it all came true, I wouldn't be ME. I would also be very broke from buying all the pretty shoes and pretty clothes that I could fit into. =P