Thursday, June 23, 2011

July 2011

I have about 5 unfinished blog posts by now. I have this habit of starting to write, but never finishing them. I sometimes end up deleting a lot of the unfinished posts. It's an important month coming up though, which has gotten me thinking a little more than I usually do. 

Career has probably been the biggest scheme of my thinking in the last year, and even more so in the last few months. I am meeting my new manager in two weeks, and starting my new job shortly after that. It is scary and exciting all at the same time. I often become timid, and wonder if I'm jumping ahead of myself, and if I will be able to handle the stress and the emotion that happens in the emergency room. First of all, it's a completely different clientèle. There will be many people that come into the emergency room for what we consider non-legit. However, we are obligated to admit and treat them regardless how ridiculous their complaints are. There will be times that we are dealing with rude patients that get more agitated from waiting. There will be psych patients - my worst fear in nursing (I always say I would quit nursing altogether before I become a psych nurse). Apparently there are a lot of psychiatric patients that come through the ER doors, and we are the ones to assess and treat them still. I had completely bypassed psychiatry through my years of training, and I am still unsure of how well I will be able to work with those patients. 

But I heard something reassuring today. One of my greatest role models of all times told my coworker/friend this: "I keep seeing her growing and maturing, she will be great in Emerg". "Her" being Joanas. Knowing this came from a supervisor that watched me work since I started as a student three years ago really warmed my heart. I am confident in my nursing abilities, but I still often wonder if I am good enough, and I still often fear of making mistakes or being negligent. Fear is good though, it keeps me in line. But now I know, even the person that has worked with me since I was a tiny unnoticeable potato thinks I am ready. So maybe I am ready for this challenge. Emerg, here Joanas comes! 

Then comes our one year anniversary. My relationship with Allen has been exactly like how I imagined a functional relationship should be - so effortless. We always know what each other are thinking - I'm sure having been friends for so many years helps XD I find our relationship very simple - we just want to be with each other. Our friend had told me that the honeymoon period lasts 3 months, and another friend told me it lasts 9 months. For us? We have yet to find out how long this honeymoon period will last ^^

Final thought, I need to pick up a hobby...

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