Sunday, January 4, 2015

Why hello, Blog!

Came across this blog in my rare down time. This blog is so old and nobody follows this anymore, a nice little emotional hide out spot perhaps.  

2014 marks a painful year. I learned for the first time what heartbreak feels like, a hopeless feeling like I am forever broken. I've taken what seems like forever to try to work through it, but it's become a process of learning to live with it. If I wake up and you aren't the first thing on my mind, it's already progress. Not the 20-hour work days, not the 7-day work weeks, nothing keeps my mind occupied enough. 

After being with someone, whether a mere friend or someone closer, for a significant amount of time, we influence each other and our lives integrate into each others'. It's difficult to live day-to-day and not feel pain because every part of my life had some of you in it. Maybe it's easier to be a forgetful person like you are.  

Friends are quick to support and parents are quick to protect. But nobody really understands the pain and dilemma. Nor can anyone really help. All I can do for them is to be strong, hold back the tears, and live life like before. While both of us had done our equal share to break this marriage, the worst is to feel like I will never have closure. There are so many unanswered questions in my mind.  

I also stumbled upon someone's blog where she had never healed from her break up, at the time she had already started dating someone else. And not a year later, she was engaged and then married. It makes me wonder how people view relationships and marriages. Time heals all wounds, but really, does it? Is it possible to truly recover from a heart break? What about the scars that get left behind? How can one truly commit to the next relationship or even future spouse not having completely moved on from their past... or do people just don't care? 

I genuinely hope you find your happiness. And I hope that one day, our paths will cross again. Maybe one day, we can be friends again.  

"After seeing so many failed relationships, and more than a good handful of broken engagements and divorces, there’s that risk of disillusionment. But one thing I believe with all my heart is that anything that’s worth gaining comes with great risk. And in this life, what is more worthwhile, what is more fulfilling, what is more beautiful, than risking it all for the sake of love?" - Junshien Lau. 

"人只要心跳仍在,過著的每一天,都是獨一無二的課堂,我們學習,我們反思,我們感受,這是人生吧。" - Joey Yung

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